Galatians 6:1-10

Be kind and good to each other

1 My friends, if you see that someone among you is doing a wrong thing, you must warn that person. Those of you who have help from God's Spirit should tell that person how to live in a good way. But you must be patient and respect him. Be very careful yourselves, so that you do not also want to do wrong things. 2 When anyone among you has troubles, you must help each other. If you do that, you will be obeying Christ's rule. 3 You must not think that you are too important to help other people. If you are not really so important, you are thinking a false thought. 4 Everyone should think carefully about the things that they themselves do. If those things are good, that is a reason to be proud. A person like that does not need to think about whether he is better than anyone else. 5 Each person must live in a way that they know is right for them.

6:2Christ gave this rule to his disciples: ‘Love each other.’ See John 13:34.

6 Everyone who is learning about God's message from a teacher should help his teacher. The student should share all the good things that he has with his teacher.

7 Nobody can hide the things that he does from God. Do not think a false thought like that! It is like a farmer who plants seeds in his field. The same kind of crops will grow as the seeds which he plants. That will be his harvest. 8 A person may do things only to make himself happy. That person's harvest will be God's punishment and death. Or a person may do the things that God's Spirit wants. That person will receive a harvest from God's Spirit. The harvest will be life with God for ever. 9 We must continue to do things that are good and we should not get tired. If we do not feel weak and stop doing good things, then we will receive a good harvest at the proper time.

10 Because of all that, we must help everyone when we have the chance. Certainly we must do good things to help our friends who believe in Christ, as we do.