Exodus 31:1-11
Bezalel and Oholiab
1 Then the Lord said to Moses, 2 ‘Look! I have chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri and the grandson of Hur. He belongs to the tribe of Judah. 3 I have filled him with my Spirit so that he has special skills. He knows how to make many kinds of things. 4 He can draw pictures of beautiful things that he wants to make. Then he uses gold, silver or bronze to make them. 5 He knows how to cut valuable stones and make them look beautiful. He knows how to cut wood into different shapes. He is very clever at all kinds of work.
6 I have also chosen Oholiab to help Bezalel. Oholiab is the son of Ahisamach. He belongs to the tribe of Dan. I have also helped all the workers who have special skills. They will be able to make everything that I have commanded you to make. 7 They will make these things:
the Tent of Meeting,the Covenant Box with its special lid,the other things that will be in the tabernacle. 8 Those things include:
the special table with all its tools,the pure gold lampstand with all its tools,the altar for incense, 9 the altar for burnt offerings with all its tools,the large bowl for water and its base, 10 the beautiful clothes for Aaron the priest,the clothes for his sons as they serve as priests, 11 the special oil to show that things belong to me,and the sweet incense for the Holy Place.The workers must make all these things in the way that I have commanded you.’