Exodus 27:9-19

The yard

9 Make a yard around the tent of the tabernacle. The south side must be 45 metres long. It will have curtains that are made of good linen. 10 Make 20 poles and 20 bronze bases to hold the poles. Use silver to make hooks and sticks to hold the curtains. 11 The north side of the yard must also be 45 metres long. It will also have 20 poles with their bronze bases, as well as their silver hooks and sticks.

12 The west end of the yard must be 23 metres long. Make curtains for it, with ten poles and their bronze bases. 13 The entrance to the yard is at its east end. That end must also be 23 metres long. 14-15 There will be 7 metres of curtain on each side of the entrance. There will be three poles with their bases to hold the curtains on each side.

16 Make a curtain 9 metres wide for the entrance to the yard. Make it out of blue, purple and red material, as well as good linen. Choose a worker who can use special skills to make the curtain look beautiful. Make four poles and their bases to hold the curtain at the entrance.

17 All the poles around the yard must have bronze bases. They will also have silver hooks and sticks to hold the curtains. 18 The yard will be 45 metres long and 23 metres wide. Use good linen to make the curtains. They must be 2¼ metres high on the bronze bases.

19 Use bronze to make all the tools that you will use in the tabernacle. Also use bronze to make the pegs that fix the tent of the tabernacle to the ground. And make bronze pegs to fix the curtain around the yard to the ground.