About Paul's letter to the Ephesians
Paul wrote this letter from Rome, probably in the year AD 62. That was more than 30 years after Jesus died. Paul was in a prison at Rome. He wrote this letter to the church that was at Ephesus. Ephesus was a city in the south and west part of the country that now is called Turkey. Paul may also have sent this letter to other groups of Christians for them to read.
Paul explains the great things that Jesus Christ has done on behalf of all people. Christ has taken away everything that caused people to be against God and against each other. Now all people, both Jews and Gentiles, can become God's people. They need to believe in Jesus Christ and become united with him. All Christians belong to one family, and Christ is the leader of that family.
Paul explains how Christians should live to please God. As one family, we must try to agree with each other. We must continue to love each other. We must learn how to be strong as Christians. We must be ready to fight against the Devil when he attacks us.