Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20
Better to be wise than to be a fool
But it is good to listen carefully to him.
His words have more value than a king
who is shouting to a crowd of fools.
But one bad person can destroy many good things.
Ecclesiastes 10
In the same way, one foolish thing can destroy a lot of
you know the right way to go.
But a fool is
they show that they are stupid.
Everyone can see that they are not wise.
do not leave your place.
Be patient and answer him quietly.
Then he will
It happens when a ruler does a silly thing.
At the same time, rich people have no authority.
At the same time,
If you knock down a wall, a snake might bite you.
If you cut wood into pieces, a piece of it might hurt you.
you will need to be very strong to use it.
If you are wise, you will make the axe's edge sharp again.
That is how
But that will not help him if the snake bites him first.
because of the things that he says.
But the words of a fool will destroy him.
he says silly things.
When he finishes,
he is saying crazy things that are
Nobody knows what will happen in the future.
Nobody can tell us what will happen after we die.
he quickly becomes tired.
He is so tired that he forgets the way to town.
if its ruler is young and
If its leaders go to parties all day,
a country is in trouble.
that country will be a happy place.
Its leaders only enjoy parties at the proper time.
They control themselves and they do not become drunk.
its roof will fall down.
Rain will make his rooms wet.
But you need to have money to buy everything.
Do not even think about it!
Even when you are in your bedroom,
do not say bad things about rich people.
A little bird might hear you.
It might tell people what you have said.