Daniel 7:9-14

God's court

9 While I looked, people put some thrones in their places.

Then the God who has ruled for ever sat on his throne.

His clothes were as white as snow.

His hair was white like pure wool.

His throne and the wheels under it burned with flames of fire.

10 A river of fire poured out from the place where he was sitting.

Thousands of servants were ready to do whatever he wanted.

Many more thousands stood around, ready to serve him.

Then the meeting of the court began.

Someone opened the books to see what was in them.

11 I continued to watch as the little horn was speaking proud words. While I watched, someone killed the fourth animal. They threw its body into the fire. The fire destroyed it. 12 The other animals also lost their power to rule, but they could continue to live for a certain time.

13 I continued to watch in my vision at night and this is what I saw:

I saw someone who seemed like a son of man.

7:13‘Son of man’ means that he looked like a human. Jesus called himself the Son of Man. The ‘son of man’ that Daniel saw in his vision, shows the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

He was coming towards me, with the clouds of the sky around him.

He came near to the God who has ruled for ever.

People took him to stand in front of God.

14 God gave him great honour and authority to rule as king.

The people of all nations and those who spoke every language agreed to serve him.

He has authority to rule for ever.

He will never stop being king.

Nobody will be able to destroy his kingdom.