2 Kings

About the Book of 2 Kings

2 Kings is a book about the Israelite people. The Books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings tell us what happened after King David ruled Israel. Solomon became king after David.
After Solomon died, Israel became two kingdoms. The kingdom in the south was called Judah. Its capital city was Jerusalem. Rehoboam became king of Judah. The kingdom in the north was still called Israel. It was also called Samaria because that was the name of its capital city. Jeroboam became king of Israel. See 1 Kings 12.
2 Kings continues the history of the two kingdoms, Judah and Israel, and their kings. The most important prophet in 2 Kings is Elisha, who took Elijah's place. He told the people that they should worship only God.
After Elisha died, many of the kings were very bad. In the end, God decided to send his people away from their land. This happened to the 10 tribes of Israel first. Then it happened to the people of Judah, who belonged to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. God did not let his people go back to their land for 70 years.

1:0Judah was the most important Israelite tribe.