1 Thessalonians
About Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians
Thessalonica was a large city in Macedonia. Macedonia included the north part of the country that we call Greece. It also included part of the country that we call North Macedonia. Thessalonica was an important port. Roads from several different directions joined there. So people could travel easily to Thessalonica. It is still an important city today.
Paul went to Thessalonica to teach the people there about Jesus Christ. He stayed there for only a short time, perhaps only a few weeks. Two other men, called Silas and Timothy, went there with him. As a result of what Paul taught them, some
Paul taught the people at Berea too. Then he travelled to Athens, a city in the south part of Greece. But Silas and Timothy stayed at Berea. Paul waited at Athens for them to come to him there. See Acts 17:15. Paul was sorry that he had not had enough time at Thessalonica. He wanted to teach the new
While Timothy went back to Thessalonica, Paul travelled to Corinth (Acts 18:1). The city of Corinth was also in the south part of Greece. After that, Silas and Timothy arrived in Corinth (Acts 18:5). Then Timothy told Paul the news about the Christians at Thessalonica. Paul was very happy to know that they were continuing to believe Christ. He wrote this letter to them from Corinth.
Paul, together with Silas and Timothy, wrote this letter in the year
Paul tells them that he always thinks about them. He wants very much to visit them again. See 1 Thessalonians 2-3.
Paul also teaches them about how they should do good, right things, to make God happy.
In 1 Thessalonians 4-5, he teaches them about Jesus' return to the earth.