1 Samuel – Saul and David

Chapter 16

16:1-23 Make up and act out a short dramatic story. It should be about how God chose David to be king. Then it should be about how David served Saul.

16:1-5 Put this story into your own words. What kind of conversation did Samuel have with the Lord? What do you think about that?

16:6-7 Put this story into your own words. What do you learn about the way God chooses people?

16:8-12 Put this story into your own words. What do you think about that?

16:13 Put this story into your own words. What do you think about what happened? Who was present when Samuel anointed David? What do you think about that?

16:14-15 Put this story into your own words. What do you learn from this story? What do you think about that?

16:16-23 Although David served Saul, Saul did not know him (17:56-58). He did not know that David would be king. What do you think about that?

Put this story into your own words. Write down what you learn about Saul Write down what you learn about David.